How to Help Your Knee Pain
There are numerous causes of Knee Pain. Whether it stems from arthritis, running, an injury or weekend warrior activities, most can be improved by some simple things to reduce inflammation and increase strength and flexibility.
Rest, Ice and Adjuncts
Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation are treatments for acute injuries to facilitate healing and reduce inflammation which in turn causes pain and further dysfunction. Ice can used in several forms from a store bought ice pack to home-made pack with ice and 50% water and 50% rubbing alcohol combo. Another fast and easy alternative is a bag of frozen peas or corn that can easily be refrozen and used again. Elevate the leg when you can and especially while using ice.
Compression sleeves or ace wraps will help minimize and reduce swelling and should be worn for 1-2 hours at most then check the skin and tissues under the wrap and at the top/bottom to decrease risk of too much compression in one area.
Kinesiotape is another therapeutic intervention to provide some dynamic support and minimize inflammation. This can be applied by a Physical Therapist but can also be bought over the counter for self application once you learn the technique.
Topical creams and gels are also beneficial for pain reduction. Some common ones are: Sombra Warm Therapy Cream, Biofreeze and Blue Emu Cream. They are best applied using soft tissue mobilization and massage techniques to work it into the tissues along the lines of the muscles, tendons and joints.
Pumps: Point & Flex ankle to increase circulation and strength – initially without band then add band after 1 week when stronger. Repeat 10-20x, 2-5x/day.
Quad Sets: Leg straight, tighten thigh muscles to straighten knee , hold 2-3 seconds. Can use a small towel roll under the knee for comfort and or to push into. Repeat 10-20x, 1-2x/day.
Heel Slides: Start with leg straight, slide heel towards hips to bend knee as far as you can comfortably, hold 5-10 seconds then slowly straighten. Repeat 10-20x, 1-2x/day.
Straight Leg Raise: Leg straight with other knee bent and foot flat, initiate quad set to straighten knee then slowly lift the leg to height of other knee as able, slowly lower. For a progression add the straight leg raise to inside, outside then back (by changing your body position to lying on each side then on your stomach) to work all 4 sides of the leg. Repeat 10-20x each, 1-2x/day.
Stationary cycling: riding a stationary bike in a pain free range, resistance level and speed can help flush out inflammation, lubricate the joint and increase strength and range of motion. It can also be a good alternative to your typical exercise (like running) while your knee is healing. Just make sure the seat is high enough to allow for an approximate 30 degree bend in the knee joint when the leg is extended to be in an optimal and safe position.
- Hamstring and Calf Stretch– 60 second holds each. Repeat 2-3x, 1-3x/day.
A. Seated along side of bed or couch with leg straight and opposite foot on the floor. Sit tall with trunk then flex forward at the hips to stretch back of leg. To add a calf stretch, loop towel or band around forefoot then pull towards you.
B. Lie on your back, lift and hold leg straight up towards the ceiling as far as comfortable. Can use towel or band to assist and also loop around forefoot and pull towards you for added calf stretch.
Standing Calf Stretch: Stand facing wall, unaffected leg in front, step back with affected leg, heel to floor, toes forwards. 60 sec. hold, 2-3x, 1-3x/day
Quad Stretch: Lie on stomach: use a pillow or wedge under the pelvis and or trunk for comfort, have someone help bring the foot
towards the hip to bend the knee to comfort.
As with any exercise, use caution and stay in a pain free range.