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Pain and Injury – how to treat at home

IMG_2737Treating pain  yourself at home after an injury…..

Have you ever injured your knee, ankle, back, shoulder, hamstring or other body part?  It’s easy to do whether it be from lifting something too heavy, weekend warrior fun or just repetitive motions causing pain and inflammation (such as in the wrist, shoulder and elbow).  A well known principle for initially reducing pain and inflammation is the RICE principle.  RICE stands for Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation.  For the first 24-48 hours following an injury, these techniques are a good start to healing. 1. Rest the injured area by reducing it’s use; for example, if you have leg pain then minimize the time you are up on your feet; take several days off from your running schedule or alter your work environment to reduce excessive walking.  2. Ice is a quick and easy way to decrease pain and inflammation directly to the body part.  You can apply a bag of ice or cold pack, soak the area in a bowl/tub of ice water x 15 minutes or for smaller areas you can use a direct ice massage for 5 minutes (using an ice cube or ice cup).  3. Compression can be achieved through using an ace wrap or over the counter compression band or sleeve.  Keep compression on the area no longer than 1-2 hours at a time checking to ensure good circulation below the area that is compressed.  4.  Elevation is keeping the affected area at or above the level of the heart if possible for periods throughout the day.  Elevating the affected area will reduce and prevent swelling and pooling of the blood and inflammatory byproducts which will cause pain and slow healing.  Remember these are just 4 simple things you can do at home when you have pain and injury.  Consult a physician or physical therapist if symptoms are unmanageable or persist.

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