Home » Two For Ones on Tuesdays (Exercises with Results)

Two For Ones on Tuesdays (Exercises with Results)

IMG_1727Exercises for Maximum Outcomes

Do you have limited time to fit in your exercise regimen?  Try combining two exercises or movements for different body parts into one to maximize your time and effort.  I like to call these “Two For Ones”. This way you can accomplish more strengthening and balance work in less time.  Combining exercises should only be performed if you can still maintain good posture and body position while safely performing the exercise.  When performing any strengthening exercise always use slow and controlled motions to keep the muscles and joints protected while recruiting more muscle motor units.  That is safer and more effective than performing a movement quickly (which is like cheating as you then use momentum verses muscle work).  Follow the videos below for instruction.  Today’s Two For Tuesdays exercises are:

1.  Shoulder Abduction with Side Leg Lunge :


2. Single Leg Stance with Upper back and Shoulder Fly



Always use caution with any exercise. Good Luck and get stronger!

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