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Useful Tools to Relieve Pain and Improve Function

Experiencing pain can lead to dysfunction which can affect your quality of life.  In addition to therapeutic exercises and interventions, Physical Therapists often use and administer “Modalities” as an adjunct to treatment to further reduce and relieve pain, inflammation and promote healing in order to improve function.

Some modified forms of these modalities can be also used at home with great results. The following are just a few to start with. Read more

Pain and Injury – how to treat at home

IMG_2737Treating pain  yourself at home after an injury…..

Have you ever injured your knee, ankle, back, shoulder, hamstring or other body part?  It’s easy to do whether it be from lifting something too heavy, weekend warrior fun or just repetitive motions causing pain and inflammation (such as in the wrist, shoulder and elbow).  A well known principle for initially reducing pain and inflammation is the RICE principle. Read more